Pupil Premium Strategy and Impact

Everyone is a gift and everyone is gifted.
We believe that every child is a gift and every child is gifted. Pupil premium (PP) funding is used to overcome barriers faced by vulnerable children and their peers.

Our strategic school development plan is heavily focused on using researched informed approaches to developing our quality first teaching (QFT) using the EEF SEND 5-a-day strategies and Rosenshine.  Research has shown that good QFT has the biggest impact on closing the disadvantaged gap.   

Please click on the links below to see how we are spending our PP using EEF researched informed strategies.  

We regularly review our effective use of Pupil Premium through a mid-year review, Governor monitoring and an annual PP review every July.  The Pupil Premium lead and Headteacher complete the Pupil Premium Strategy statement which is added to the website by 31st December.